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About Us

The Aiken Columbus Club, established in 1956, is proud to present the many venues and services we offer to both our membership and the general public in order to strengthen community. Please use the navigation above to discover more about our main features.

The Main Hall is our largest venue available for weddings, auctions, and other large affairs. Smaller venues such as the Club Lounge are also available for more intimate gatherings. Equipped with a full-scale professional kitchen and bar, our staff can meet all your catering needs.

The Aiken Columbus Club also makes the most of its wonderful park-like property nestled in the heart of South Aiken's neighborhoods. 

The Aiken Columbus Club is the "sister organization" to the Bishop England Council of the Knights of Columbus. It is the incorporated entity responsible for the operation and maintenance of our facilities and services. The Aiken Columbus Club has a part-time staff of dedicated employees who make things run for the enjoyment of the entire Council family. Dennis Fraser is the Club Manager.

All member Knights of Monsignor George Lewis Smith Council are by definition members of the Columbus Club upon payment membership dues. The organization is led by an elected Board of Directors comprised of Council members.
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