Aiken Council # 3684 Knights of Columbus
Ladies Auxiliary Meetings
The Ladies Auxiliary of the Aiken KofC Council 3684 meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month in the Aiken Council Home. Start time is 7:30 p.m. Check for exceptions posted on this website or in your Church Bulletin which sometimes occur.
The exception would be cancellations due to concurrence with holidays. In addition to regular meetings, the Auxiliary may periodically conduct on-line meetings via Zoom. To formally document a quorum, prior registration is needed to attend on-line meetings.
Meetings are open to the ladies of all Brother Knights of Aiken KofC Council 3684 in good standing. A typical Auxiliary meeting lasts approximately 60 minutes but may vary depending upon the time of year and amount of business to be conducted. For more information about the contents of a regular meeting, please refer to the outline of a meeting as established by Article _____ of our by-laws.
While Auxiliary meeting attendance is voluntary, the active attendance of our membership is a vital part of the continuation of our Council. By simply attending you will learn what is happening, come to understand "how things work", meet new people, and find a way -- large or small -- that you can help your Council.
The Ladies Auxiliary Officers volunteer a tremendous amount of their time and energy. Meeting attendance is the best way you can show your appreciation for their efforts.